Friday, May 16, 2014

The fault in our stars.

It has been a while i have not written a blog post. Partly due to the fact i do not have a laptop or so at home and i am surviving on my iPad and iPhone 4S which is really quite pathetic. 

So i have been flying around the world for the past 2 years and it was great and going to be greater in my life. I have not been to a lot of places but slowly and surely i will be there somehow. 

I read a book in anticipation of the movie that is hitting the theatre in June 2014. By John Green, The fault in our stars: Gosh it was pretty good i will say. The relation with cancer patients, romance and facing death were very close to my heart. The analogy he used in the book was awesome, witty, true and somehow irritating to the fact that it is so real. 

Maybe I should update his dying blog more often. I don't know if there is any more readers out there but if you know me well, I don't really care. 

You can check out my dying instagram at @aantlee too. It quite dead now but I promise I will be back stronger and better this coming summer'14. Till then.... cheers!

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